Crossfit Photography
CrossFit Hype Video Edit
I'm all about being out on the field doing my sports photography thing, but there's a lot of magic that happens when I'm back in the office. I love sitting on Adobe Premiere Pro and turning my photos and videos into some seriously motivational hype video edits like this one. Another thing I love to do with my photos is head over to Adobe Photoshop and create some graphics to blast across social media. It creates hype around the team and the players. Can you say Athlete Branding? Creative content is marketing 101 for today's athlete. So hit me up and get yourself branded.
CrossFit Graphic Design
Athlete branding starts as early as high school. Back in the day, the only way to reach your audience was to play on TV, do commercials, or write a book. Now, we all have our own platform. Two words - social media. Use it wisely. Put out baller content, and let the world know you came to ball. No chump stuff. Baller vibes = baller deals. Write that down. Get yourself a baller photographer (me) that can make killer edits (me) and take your brand to the next level (you, son).

This photo of CrossFit Athlete Nicky Rodgers was featured in Morning Chalk Up, a CrossFit website and newsletter with the largest and most influential audience in the Sport of Fitness.

If you are looking to photograph some serious athleticism and strength, look no further than a CrossFit competition. This dude took as many "steps" on his hands as most people do on their feet during a workout.

Here's a fun fact: Homeboy was squatting all of this weight not for the competition, but for the warmups.
Get off the couch and get to work.

The 615 Throwdown
I call it "Friday Night Lights"
I mean, come on, right?

Sometimes the moments between the action can be just as story-telling. In sports photography, you never drop your guard just because it appears to be a moment of rest. If you weren't convinced before that these athletes have more gorilla DNA in them than most, you should be now.

Even CrossFit athletes are allowed to take a seat now and then. It made for a great time to snap a photo. I make athletes look badass, even when they're just chillin' at the gym scrolling through their phone.